Introducing Kate Shapland: Josh Wood Colour Q&A with the Owner of Legology

We are beyond thrilled to bring you an exclusive Q&A session featuring the incredible Kate Shapland, the mastermind behind Legology. Legology is the go-to brand for all your leg care needs, specialising in tackling common concerns like cellulite, water retention, and poor circulation and is the ultimate brand for many women in the UK.  

With Kate’s extensive knowledge and passion for skincare, together, we delve into the world of beauty, discussing tips and tricks for maintaining healthy, beautiful hair and legs.

What has been your favourite hair style/colour to date?

I had a very short pixie crop quite a lot in my twenties and I loved it more than any

other cut I’ve had. It was very freeing. Somehow though, with the years a face needs the softness of longer hair, even if you wear it back, just as it needs less makeup. 

Who is your hair icon?

Claudia Winkleman. The hair is perfection. It suits HER – not just her face but her

sense of humour and wardrobe. She does a fringe better than anyone and if I could

get one like that I would be doing backflips. Very good, as she would say.What is your selfcare routine?

Shamefully low maintenance on the beauty front. Mornings, after a shower, it’s face

cleanse and cream, followed by application of Legology Cellu-Lite oil which I body

brush over the top of. Evenings it’s the same without the brushing. Daily bottle of

water. Nails and brows on Sunday. Barrecore at weekends. Sleep. Knit. Garden.

Walk, of which allow for reflection, which needs to be worked at in modern life. 

Do you prefer a polished blow dry or embracing your natural texture?

Always a polished blow dry because the natural state of my hair is neither curly nor straight, but typical Caucasian semi wave which I struggle with. My hair is quite thick too, so more controllable when it’s dried straight or pulled back in a messy little bun. 

To help care for hair like Kate’s we would always recommend investing in a great quality shampoo and conditioner such as the Miracle Shampoo and Conditioner for Dry and Damaged hair then continuing with the Miracle Mask at least once a week to tame any frizz. 

If you could have any hair colour for a day, what would it be?

Silver grey and super shiny. Cara Delevingne and Rita Ora have both done it well at

Times. We recommend maintaining grey/silver hair at home with the Josh Wood Colour Icy Blonde Gloss to enhance those cool tones and add in some extra shine.

What is the best hair advice anyone has ever given you?

Eat properly. First thing that happens when you diet is your hair dries up, looks dull and falls out. And it really happens. Especially with age.

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