Every woman goes grey differently; some when young, some when older, and some not at all. Here at Josh Wood Colour we want to help you on your grey journey, whatever the path may be. Whether you want to celebrate grey, or never see one again in your life, we can help. This is why we're sharing real women's grey stories, and today we talk to Nicola, 48, who noticed her first grey when she was thirty - and has been disappointed by at-home hair colouring experiences since.
"I first noticed my first grey hair in my early thirties, I remember going closer to the mirror and seeing this thick, wiry, white hair, it was so noticeable against my dark brown hair. My mother's voice came in to my head, "if you pluck a grey hair two more will grow" but I took the risk, got the tweezers and with watery eyes it was gone! It must be the first time ever my mother has been wrong, I thought smugly.

"It was about six years later when my husband noticed - he's older, with not a grey hair in sight - and told me that I had a cluster of grey behind my ears. That was that, it was time to dye it.
"I bought a hair dye, and asked Steve to put it on for me.... disaster! He mixed the conditioner in the bottle instead of the activator, and I sat with it on for ten minutes until he realised, so I had to have a quick shower while he went and got another one.

"After a second, more successful attempt, the greys were gone, and from that day on my husband has always dyed my hair. Apart from the time I decided to go blonde: I took the plunge and had highlights which I hated, as with my dark hair I looked like a pint of Guinness.
"I'm not loyal to one brand of hair dye as I've never loved any of them, I've even used a men's hair dye before! However, I recently tried the Josh Wood Colour at-home hair dye kit. My husband said it was like putting conditioner in, as it did not tangle my hair, and it smells lovely too. It didn’t drip, and I found using the barrier cream was much easier to wash off than my usual (Vaseline!). The product was easy to rinse out, and the conditioner it came with is a proper salon conditioner. My hair looks and feels absolutely fantastic - finally I've found a box dye I love!"

Josh says...
"I'm so pleased you love the Josh Wood Colour permanent kits - your husband is right, they do feel nice, and this is due to the lack of nasties in our products. None of our products are tested on animals, and all are vegetarian (and mostly vegan), and the dyes contain no ammonia. Those are the chemicals that often leave your hair feeling 'dried out'. I'm so happy you've finally found an at-home hair dye you love!
"If you don't want to dye your hair too frequently - or if you're caught short when out and about and spot a rogue grey hair - we have a range of root concealers you could try, such as our root marker. You simply draw it on like a crayon to cover greys immediately, for a short-term fix.
"As you mentioned your grey hair grows wiry and thick, it's important to maintain and improve the texture of your hair. Our Everything Mask is a perfect weekly treatment that does, as the name suggests, everything. It locks in moisture, treats your hair and maintains colour and shine."
If you'd like personalised advice from an expert colourist, get in touch at hello@joshwoodcolour.com