Josh: We love Sharon's amazing, natural curls, the texture really shows off the chestnut hues in her colour.
I love my Josh Wood Colour. It looks natural, it doesn't feel like I've got a fake colour on. It just feels like it's meant to be.

On her natural hair... I’ve spent most of life trying to figure out what my hair likes and what it doesn’t like. I've finally realised that a natural-looking colour and my natural curls suit me best. At first having my natural curly hair made me stand out when I didn't want to, but now I do want to stand out.
On going grey... I went grey in my 20’s, which is far too early for my liking. I hated it. I’ve done everything to try to disguise it. At the beginning my answer was always, ‘I’ll just pluck those out’, but then it got out of control.