Just about everyone who regularly colours their hair has that niggling worry in the back of their mind about the inevitable long term hair damage it can cause. While we developed our Permanent Colour to take extra special care of your hair, Josh has always wanted to do more to alleviate that concern. A lot more. And after 3 and a half years of experimentation and development (because genius takes time) the answer is finally here: Miracle Shot.
Believe it or not, inside this small vial lies a pretty magical deep conditioning potion that has the power to strengthen hair, curb breakage and even help hair cling on to colour for longer. That damage? Not so inevitable anymore.
Want in? Here’s your Miracle Shot cheat sheet, walking you through what it does, how it works and most importantly, how to use it.

Miracle Shot is a hair treatment booster, containing a unique blend of powerful conditioning agents that help to mitigate the damage caused by hair colouring. Like a multivitamin for the hair, Miracle Shot contains Omega 3 & 6 and Vitamin E to increase elasticity and hydration, as well as Vitamin B3, which stimulates scalp blood flow, promotes hair growth, and provides additional moisturising.
Used in tandem our Permanent Colour, Miracle Shot is able to penetrate the hair shaft, reinforcing the strength and condition of each and every strand. Expect softer, stronger hair that looks and feels so much healthier.
Why do you need Miracle Shot?
The numbers speak for themselves: hair treated with our Josh Wood Miracle System had 62% less breakage, was 2.7 times stronger and had 38% less colour fade. Quite frankly, it’s a no brainer.
The science-y bit
We get it: all you really want to know is that it works. And it certainly does that. But if you’re keen to dig a little deeper, let’s unpack the science a little bit.
When you colour your hair, you temporarily alter its pH to around 10 and that’s what enables the dye to penetrate the hair effectively. As soon as you wash it out, the pH rapidly reduces and the cuticle (the outer layer) of the hair is resealed. Sure, you can use a conditioning mask at this
stage, but all it’ll do is soften up the outside of the hair.
By applying Miracle Shot with the Permanent Colour, the unique blend of conditioning agents is able to travel deeper into the hair fibre, where it becomes locked in. The result? Longer lasting colour and better condition.
How do you use Miracle Shot?
Good news! Miracle Shot requires zero extra effort. You simply empty the vial into your Permanent Colour (with your Shade Shot too) and apply all in one go.
We would do the mixing for you, but the key to this formula is its freshness. By mixing it from the comfort of your own bathroom, your hair gets to experience these ultra-conditioning ingredients when they’re at their most powerful. Just be sure to mix and then apply!
To make things even easier, the Josh Wood Colour Miracle System, £29 allows you to buy your full hair colour regime in one go. It contains your chosen shade of Permanent Colour, a Shade Shot to help achieve a bespoke finish and a dose of our revolutionary Miracle Shot.
Ready for the best hair condition and colour your hair has even seen?
Click here to buy.