Back to school hair

The back of a woman's hair with long wavy hair - Josh Wood Hair Colour Expert

Holidays are over, September is well and truly here and we’re ready, focused, and feeling fresh! Sometimes our hair can follow a few beats behind, thanks to months of sun, chlorine, salt and a much needed break in the beauty routine.

We love holidays at Josh Wood Colour, but we also love getting down to business. We spoke to the team about their top tips to getting September ready!


A person cutting a person's hair - Josh Wood Hair Colour Expert

Matt, stylist: Trim for the win! There’s nothing like starting fresh with a cut. It’s all about assessing the damage and taking off the affected length. As well as removing damaged ends, a cut encourages growth and obviously looks fantastic! For my clients with shorter hair styles I can often see their scalps need a little love after the mix of sunburn, chlorine and saltwater. I recommend Philip Kingsley’s Itchy, Flaky Scalp which nourishes and repairs the skin.


The back view of a woman with long brown hair - Josh Wood Hair Colour Expert

Veronika, colourist: With my clients I like to recommend a super moisturising treatment in salon. And a Josh Wood Colour Everything Mask to take home. Use it once a week for 20 mins to pull your condition back from the beach! As for colour, I always recommend going a bit warmer for Autumn – the sun has gone, and we need a bit more life and light around the face.

Nicholas, stylist: They say “back to school, back to reality!” and that’s the truth, especially if you’ve been letting your hair down all summer long (figuratively speaking). With back to reality in mind and September fast approaching, it’s a great time to go for something new, whether that be the haircut you’ve been thinking about for a while, a statement fringe or styling your hair differently combined with a colour transformation... now is the time as whatever you do, in three months time, you’ll be ready for your Christmas makeover.

A woman wearing glasses with a blue background - Josh Wood Hair Colour Expert

Mads, colourist: Depending on the state of the hair, I often recommend a cleansing treatment in salon, and loading up with moisture (next year please remember to add condition while on holidays – and rinse post swim)! A lot of people have lightened up naturally on their holidays – so in September, we talk about adding dimension and depth to their colour.

A woman wearing a black top with a blonde bob - Josh Wood Hair Colour Expert

Mason, stylist: Cut off damaged ends from summer and embrace a new shorter look for September! Short hair works well with cosy autumnal layering and woolly hats for winter.

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