Every woman goes grey differently; some when young, some when older, and some not at all. Here at Josh Wood Colour we want to help you on your grey journey, whatever the path may be. Whether you want to celebrate grey, or never see one again in your life, we can help. This is why we're sharing real women's grey stories, and today we talk to Lisa Rushmore, a housewife from Essex who started going grey at 25, and hates the texture of her new, post-menopause hair.
“I started to go grey at 25 but it didn’t worry me as I was always experimenting with colours, perms and anything else that was fashionable in the 80s. Colouring it gradually became a necessity rather than a choice, and the gap between colours got shorter and shorter.

“The real shock was how my hair has changed in the pre-menopausal years and now at 51, I am horrified at how old my hair makes me feel. It was always fine, but it was also long and shiny so people assumed I had lots of hair. Despite sticking to the same youthful style (shoulder length with a fringe) that I have always had, my hair has now become so thin that I look in the mirror and see scalp staring back at me. And the texture has changed to frizzy and brittle, looking dried out and over treated – possibly due to the amount I colour it at home. On the opposite end of the spectrum, it also gets greasy very quickly so I have to wash it daily.

“Ironically, I have to colour it even more now as the colour doesn’t last, and the grey roots make me look even more bald. I can’t justify a salon visit every three weeks when I can buy a box dye for cheaper, but the ones I’ve tried just don’t last. They don’t catch the escapee greys around my hairline, and my hair takes on a ginger tinge in the sun.
“It feels like having turned 50, the combination of wrinkles, reading glasses and now thinning hair are all determined to make me look old, which is upsetting when I do so much with diet and exercise to achieve the opposite for my body.

“I dream of soft, bouncy waves and beautiful multi-shade hair that give the illusion of thickness and youth. A lot of my friends are turning to extensions to achieve this, but I can’t abide the idea of not giving my hair a good brush or putting it in a ponytail for the gym only for everyone to see the roots and “falseness”. So that’s my sad story of a woman spiralling into middle age and being let down by nature (and shop bought hair dyes!)”

Josh says…
“I've been having this conversation around grey hair with women for 30 years, and - although it may not be preferable - it's totally normal for your hair texture to change over time. It's best to embrace these changes, and 'switch up' your normal haircare routine accordingly, which usually means starting to use products that really help moisturise and hydrate your hair. As you struggle with dryness, I’d recommend the Josh Wood Colour Renewing Brunette shampoo and conditioner for hair prone to frizz, which can be used daily. It’ll help your hair look fresh whilst also boosting your natural brunette shade. I’d also recommend using the Everything Mask once a week for the hydration you want – apply on towel dried hair and rinse off.
“Colour-wise, you say you’ve been let down by box dyes in the past, and disappointed in how they leave your hair in bad condition – Josh Wood Colour Permanent Kits contain no ammonia so won’t damage the hair, and they come with a nourishing conditioner that will leave your hair feeling as gorgeous as it looks.
“As you mentioned you don’t like dying your hair too frequently, I recommend using a root concealer for in-between colours. And in relation to your oily hair, our Tinted Dry Shampoo would be perfect for this, as it will cover your roots as well as helping to freshen your hair up between washes”.
How can I find my perfect routine?
If you'd like to know your perfect Josh Wood Colour permanent box colour kit shade, simply email a photo of yourself that shows your hair to hello@joshwoodcolour.com and an expert colourist at the Josh Wood Atelier will get back to you with the results as soon as possible (alternatively, you can message us on Facebook!).
Once your hair is coloured, maintain it with our care routine - you can choose from our shampoo & conditioners to find the perfect combo for both your hair colour and condition. Top up your hair's moisture and shine with a weekly Everything Mask - your one stop shop hair mask, perfect for any hair type. You can also tone your hair with our Shade Shots. Choose between warm or cool and brunette or blonde, mix with equal parts Everything Mask and apply as instructed. You can top this up whenever you feel you need to.
Between dyes, you might want to maintain your regrowing roots and greys - we have a range of semi-permanent root concealers that last up to three washes, meaning your regrowth will never have to show. All of our tinted root concealers come in shades corresponding to our box colours; simply purchase the same shade as your permanent kit.